JavaScript Development Advanced
Improve your JavaScript skills with advanced language features and techniques

Deze training borduurt voort op onze training JavaScript Development Core. Waar we in die training aandacht besteden aan kernvaardigheden voor het werken met JavaScript, gaan we in deze training een stap verder door te focussen op geavanceerdere taalfeatures en technieken. Deze kennis en vaardigheden komen sterk van pas nu steeds meer projecten de kracht van "vanilla JavaScript" maximaal willen benutten. Ook op projecten waar met React, Svelte, TypeScript of testframeworks als Cypress en Playwright wordt gewerkt komen geavanceerde technieken van pas bij het structureren van code.
Je leert in deze training over het geavanceerd gebruik van functies met arrow functions en closures, het geavanceerd gebruik van objecten met encapsulatie en proxies, wat JavaScript's inheritance-mechanisme voor je kan betekenen, wanneer Symbols van pas komen, wat Set
s en Map
s voor voordeel bieden, hoe iterators en generators interessante perspectieven bieden voor loops en tenslotte alles over het wrappen van asynchroon werk met Promises.
Deze training richt zich op ontwikkelaars die al een goede basis van JavaScript hebben en deze willen aanvullen om het in te zetten in een professionele omgeving. Kennis van C#, Java of C++ komt ook van pas.
Learning Goals
This training covers the following learning goals:
this inside a JavaScript application. | |
Symbol s and apply them to override features in the JavaScript runtime. | |
Prior Knowledge
Fundamentals of working with JavaScript. Knowledge of C#, Java or C++ comes in handy.
Advanced functions
In this module, you will learn about the advanced use of functions
- Function properties
- Constructor functions
- The mystery of
unveiled - Arrow functions
- IIFE's
- Closures
- Template literals
Lab: Advanced functions
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Determine when to use a function and when to use an arrow function
- Reason about the value of
- Utilize the advantages of arrow functions
- Understand libraries better an appropriate situation presents itself
In this module, you will learn what prototypes are and how you can apply them
- Prototypes
- Prototype chain
- Set/change the prototype
- Inheritance
Lab: Prototypes
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Understand how prototypes work in JavaScript
- Use prototypes for inheritance of writing extension methods
- Understand how classes relate to prototypes
In this module, you will learn about Symbols: a value-type to uniquely address something
- Symbols
- The value type
- Built-in symbols and the symbol registry
- Symbols and properties
- Libraries and symbols
Lab: Symbols
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Use and write symbols
- Influence JavaScript's conversions using
Sets and maps
In this module, you will learn about the built-in types Set
and Map
- Their weaker counterparts,
Lab: Set
s en Map
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Use
when an appropriate situation presents itself
Iterators and generators
In this module, you will learn about iterating using iterators and generators
- Iterators,
and the Iterator pattern - Generators and
Lab: Iterators and generators
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Use iterators en generators
- Implement the iterator pattern
- Create a generator
Advanced objects
In this module, you will learn using objects in an advanced manner
- Static functions on objects:
and more Proxy
- Encapsulation
- Garbage collection
Lab: Advanced objects
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Use certain static functions when an appropriate situation presents itself
- Use
to trap interactions - Use
for reflection-like functions - Shield functions/properties in various ways from other bits of code
- Hook into the event of an object being garbage collected by the JavaScript-engine
In this module, you will learn about performing asynchronous work using promises
- Creating and using promises
- Promise chaining
- Error handling
- Returning values
- Static functions like
and more - Useful techniques
Lab: Asynchronously read the contents of multiple files
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Create and use promises
- Implement error handling and chaining
- Deal with parallel promises
- Use
to improve readability
Start date | Duration | Location | |
February 17, 2025February 18, 2025 | 2 days | Veenendaal / Remote This is a hybrid training and can be followed remotely. More information Veenendaal / Remote This is a hybrid training and can be followed remotely. More information | Sign up |
March 17, 2025March 18, 2025 | 2 days | Veenendaal / Remote This is a hybrid training and can be followed remotely. More information Veenendaal / Remote This is a hybrid training and can be followed remotely. More information | Sign up |
April 7, 2025April 8, 2025 | 2 days | Veenendaal / Remote This is a hybrid training and can be followed remotely. More information Veenendaal / Remote This is a hybrid training and can be followed remotely. More information | Sign up |
May 1, 2025May 2, 2025 | 2 days | Utrecht / Remote This is a hybrid training and can be followed remotely. More information Utrecht / Remote This is a hybrid training and can be followed remotely. More information | Sign up |
May 19, 2025May 20, 2025 | 2 days | Veenendaal / Remote This is a hybrid training and can be followed remotely. More information Veenendaal / Remote This is a hybrid training and can be followed remotely. More information | Sign up |
June 16, 2025June 17, 2025 | 2 days | Veenendaal / Remote This is a hybrid training and can be followed remotely. More information Veenendaal / Remote This is a hybrid training and can be followed remotely. More information | Sign up |
July 14, 2025July 15, 2025 | 2 days | Utrecht / Remote This is a hybrid training and can be followed remotely. More information Utrecht / Remote This is a hybrid training and can be followed remotely. More information | Sign up |
July 31, 2025August 1, 2025 | 2 days | Utrecht / Remote This is a hybrid training and can be followed remotely. More information Utrecht / Remote This is a hybrid training and can be followed remotely. More information | Sign up |
All courses can also be conducted within your organization as customized or incompany training.
Our training advisors are happy to help you provide personal advice or find Incompany training within your organization.
Prior knowledge courses
Follow-up courses
Develop Applications Using the ReactJS Framework
Develop powerful and maintainable web applications using the latest techniques and best practices in ReactJS.
- Web Development
Angular: Building professional Single Page Applications
Are you a developer who wants to learn how to build a real-world Angular application, including TypeScript and testing? Then, this is the training for you.
- Web Development
Web Components
Use Web Components to build a web application
- Web Development
Pragmatic JavaScript
Applying JavaScript in practice
- Web Development
"Trainer who knows his profession!"Marc
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