Questions or comments?
Do you want obligation-free training advice or a (price) proposal? Contact Info Support’s Knowledge Center:
- T +31 318 501 119 (Veenendaal)
- T +32 15 28 63 70 (Mechelen, België)
- E
- FAQ frequently asked questions
Our locations
- Headquarters The Netherlands / Knowledge Center & Training location Veenendaal
- Training location Utrecht
- Headquarters Belgium
Find the location information per premises below:

Info Support The Netherlands
Kruisboog 42
3905 TG Veenendaal
The Netherlands
Contact headquarters
T +31 318 552020 E
Contact Knowledge Center & Training location
T +31 318 501119 E
- Free parking
- Free taxi service from Station Veenendaal – De Klomp.
- Info Support has numerous charging points for electric cars.

Training location Utrecht
St. Jacobsstraat 12 (6th floor)
3511 BS Utrecht
The Nederlands
T +31 318 501119 E
- 10 minutes walk from/to Central Train Station Utrecht.
- Park in parking garage La Vie (opposite our location). Purchase a ticket at a reduced rate at the reception of La Vie Meeting Center (only card payments) during lunch break.
- Park at P+R Westraven just outside Utrecht, take the tram to Central Train Station Utrecht and walk 10 minutes to our location.

Headquarters Info Support NV
Generaal De Wittelaan 17, bus 30
2800 Mechelen
T +32 15 286370