Incompany training
A training or service that is specifically organized for your organization and employees. This can be done internally at the organization’s own location, at Info Support, or at an external location. The goal is to increase the knowledge and skills of employees in a specific area, thus contributing to the growth and development of the organization. We offer the following forms:
Incompany training

All trainings on this website can also be conducted within your organization as an in-company training. Dates, location, content and format will be decided upon through mutual agreement. In addition, Info Support is specialized in developing specific trainings for you and/or your organization.

Want to organize a lecture on a specific topic for your employees? With an Info Support inspiration session, this is possible. You choose a topic, Info Support provides the speaker. Click here for inspiration.

A training method where a trainer comes to your location to answer specific questions from employees, tailored to your practice. In the situation described, this method is often more efficient than attending a multi-day training. Often, a half-day or a day is sufficient to answer all the questions that a group has.