
This training is available in Dutch and English. More information

C++ Advanced

Learn to enhance your C++ skills

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- No location
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4 days
3060 (excl. VAT)
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This course covers the more advanced C++ subjects, like Multiple Inheritance, Memory Management, Exceptions, Templates and STL. Students also learn how to implement certain Design Patterns in C++ and how to use features of the C++ programming language to solve certain problems.

Prior Knowledge

Participants must have good understanding of the basics of C++ (regular subjects) and minimum of two years hands-on experience.


  • History of C and C++ standards
  • Refresh of Object Oriented Programming concepts and C++
  • Copying and Conversions
  • Delegation techniques
  • Subscripting techniques
  • Template Functions and Template Classes
  • Template techniques
  • Exception Handling and Exception Safety
  • Iterators and Algoritms (STL)
  • Memory Management
  • Reference Counting
  • Inheritance techniques
  • Functional Abstraction


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