Plan your route


Are you coming by car or train? Plan your journey to our location in Veenendaal, Utrecht, or Mechelen (Belgium) here.


Kruisboog 42
3905 TG Veenendaal
T +31 318 501119


  • Car: route (Google maps)
    • free parking
    • more than 50 electric charging points
  • Train: Travel to NS-station Veenendaal-De Klomp. Reserve our free Taxi-service up to two days before the start of your training.

Arrived at Kruisboog 42

  • follow the signs outside for ‘Entrance Knowledge Center/Seminar room’
  • once inside, follow the floor stickers with ‘Knowledge Center’ and take the stairs (behind the kitchen unit) upstairs
  • the screens here indicate the room where your training is scheduled


St. Jacobsstraat 12 (6th floor)
3511 BS Utrecht
T +31 318 501119


  • Car: route (Google maps)

    • Park at parking garage La Vie (opposite our location).
      Tip: During the lunch break, you can purchase an exit ticket at a reduced rate at the reception of La Vie Meeting Center.
    • Or park at P+R Westraven just outside Utrecht, take the tram to Utrecht Central Station and walk 10 minutes to our location.
  • Train: Travel to NS Station Utrecht Centraal and walk 10 minutes from here to our location

Arrived at St. Jacobsstraat 12

  • walk through the sliding door and take the elevator to the 6th floor
  • the screens here indicate the room where your training is scheduled

Mechelen (Belgium)

Generaal De Wittelaan 17, bus 30
2800 Mechelen (Belgium)
T +32 15 286370


  • Car: route (Google maps)
    • free parking
    • limited number of electric charging points
  • Train and then (two options) by bus:
    • Travel to ‘Mechelen’ train station, take bus no. 6, ride for about 30 minutes to the ‘Blarenberglaan’ stop, and walk 2 minutes to the location.
    • Travel to ‘Mechelen’ train station, take bus no. 50, ride for about 35 minutes to the ‘Walemstraat’ stop, and walk 11 minutes to the location.

Arrived at Generaal De Wittelaan 17

  • The Info Support office is located at the back of the building (Entrance C).
  • Take the stairs or elevator to the 2nd floor.
  • Report to the reception here.