
Deze training is beschikbaar in het Nederlands en Engels. Meer informatie

Advanced Apache Spark for Data Engineers

Verdiep je kennis van Apache Spark om je dataworkflow te optimaliseren.

16 juni 2025
- Veenendaal / Remote
2 dagen
1530 (ex BTW)


In deze cursus leer je technieken en best practices voor het optimaliseren van Apache Spark-toepassingen. Je bestudeert de architectonische elementen van Spark en werkt met de Spark UI. Je identificeert en pakt veelvoorkomende prestatieproblemen veroorzaakt door shuffles en skew aan. Daarnaast leer je geavanceerde optimalisatiestrategieën voor join-, union- en merge-operaties, gegevensformaten, cachingmechanismen, garbage collector-instellingen, gegevenspartitionering, bucketing en Delta Lake-optimalisaties. Je verkent ook reguliere onderhoudstaken voor Spark-toepassingen en leert hoe je Spark-sessieconfiguraties kunt aanpassen voor optimale prestaties.


CheckmarkDescribe the architecture of a spark application.
RememberLogo InfoSupport
CheckmarkExplain the structure and functionality of the Spark UI.
UnderstandLogo InfoSupport
CheckmarkPredict common performance issues casued by shuffling and data skew.
ApplyLogo InfoSupport
CheckmarkOptimize join, union, and merge operations in Spark.
AnalyzeLogo InfoSupport
CheckmarkChange the data format for optimal performance.
ApplyLogo InfoSupport
CheckmarkImplement caching mechanisms and garbage collector settings for enhanced performance.
ApplyLogo InfoSupport
CheckmarkUse data partitioning and bucketing in Spark workloads.
ApplyLogo InfoSupport
CheckmarkApply Delta Lake optimizations for better performance in Spark.
ApplyLogo InfoSupport
CheckmarkDescribe regular maintenance tasks for Spark applications.
UnderstandLogo InfoSupport
CheckmarkCustomize Spark session configurations for optimal performance.
ApplyLogo InfoSupport
Voor bovenstaande leerdoelen gebruiken we de Taxonomie van Bloom

Benodigde voorkennis

  • Python
  • Apache Spark fundamentals


  1. Introduction to Spark Architecture and Ecosystem
  2. Understanding the Spark UI
  3. Common Performance Issues in Spark
  4. Optimizing Data Operations in Spark
  5. Data Formats and Performance
  6. Caching and Garbage Collection in Spark
  7. Data Partitioning and Bucketing
  8. Delta Lake Optimizations
  9. Maintenance of Spark Applications
  10. Customizing Spark Session Configurations

Introduction to Spark Architecture and Ecosystem

  • Overview of Spark architecture
  • Key components: Driver, Executors, Cluster Manager
  • The ecosystem: JVM, Kubernetes, Yarn, HDFS, Hive Metastore

Understanding the Spark UI

  • Structure of the Spark UI
  • Functionality of different tabs (Jobs, Stages, Storage, Environment, Executors)
  • Monitoring and diagnosing Spark applications

Common Performance Issues in Spark

  • Shuffles and Data Skew
  • Sorting
  • Narrow and Wide transformations

Optimizing Data Operations in Spark

  • Join operations: broadcast joins, shuffle joins
  • Union and merge operations

Data Formats and Performance

  • Common data formats such as json, csv and parquet
  • Impact of data format on performance
  • Making optimal use of data formats for Spark applications

Caching and Garbage Collection in Spark

  • Caching mechanisms in Spark (cache(), persist())
  • Data persistence
  • Garbage collection settings and their impact on performance

Data Partitioning and Bucketing

  • Partitioning strategies and impact in Spark
  • Bucketing techniques and their benefits

Delta Lake Optimizations

  • Introduction to Delta Lake
  • Performance optimization in Delta Lake
  • Delta Lake housekeeping

Maintenance of Spark Applications

  • Regular maintenance tasks for Spark applications
  • Monitoring and diagnostics tools

Customizing Spark Session Configurations

  • Spark session configurations and their impact on performance
  • Common spark session parameters
  • Customizing configurations for specific workloads


16 juni 202517 juni 2025
2 dagen
Veenendaal / Remote
Dit is een hybride training die remote gevolgd kan worden. Meer informatie
Veenendaal / Remote
Dit is een hybride training die remote gevolgd kan worden. Meer informatie
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