Get started with Microsoft Copilot for Security
Deze cursus leert over Microsoft Copilot for Security, een op AI gebaseerde tool voor beveiligingsanalyse en respons.

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Ontdek Microsoft Copilot voor beveiliging, een op AI gebaseerd beveiligingsanalysetool dat analisten in staat stelt beveiligingssignalen te verwerken en te reageren op bedreigingen met machnesnelheid, en de AI-concepten waarop het is gebouwd.
Vereisten Werkende kennis van beveiligingsoperaties en incidentrespons Werkende kennis van Microsoft-beveiligingsproducten en -diensten
Benodigde voorkennis
Geen specifieke voorkennis benodigd.
Fundamental AI Concepts
- Explore the potential solutions enabled by AI and ethical considerations for responsible AI practices.
Fundamentals of Generative AI
- Understand generative AI's place in the development of artificial intelligence.
- Understand language models and their role in intelligent applications.
- Describe examples of copilots and good prompts.
Describe Microsoft Copilot for Security
- Describe what Microsoft Copilot for Security is.
- Describe the terminology of Microsoft Copilot for Security.
- Describe how Microsoft Copilot for Security processes prompt requests.
- Describe the elements of an effective prompt
- Describe how to enable Microsoft Copilot for Security.
Describe the core features of Microsoft Copilot for Security
- Describe the features available in the standalone Copilot experience.
- Describe the plugins available in Copilot.
- Describe custom promptbooks.
- Describe knowledge base connections.
Describe the embedded experiences of Microsoft Copilot for Security
- Describe Microsoft Copilot in Microsoft Defender XDR.
- Describe Microsoft Copilot in Microsoft Purview.
- Describe Microsoft Copilot in Microsoft Entra.
- Describe Microsoft Copilot in Microsoft Intune.
- Describe Microsoft Copilot in Microsoft Defender for Cloud.
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Gecertificeerde trainers
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