Stefan Hoekstra
I am Stefan Hoekstra and live in Eindhoven.
Ever since I was young, I have had a great interest in everything related to computers. This made my choice of study a lot easier, and I started studying at the Technical University of Eindhoven. During my studies, I came into contact with many different aspects of IT, including data and AI, on which I graduated. During my graduation, I made a few small mistakes in the code, which took a lot of time to solve. I could have prevented those mistakes by writing good tests, but of course, you only realize that afterwards.
Since 2022, I have been employed at Info Support, and I have had the opportunity to set up the Unit Testing in Python training. What I like about this training is that I not only show the participants how to test code in Python, but also let them experience the practice in the lab sessions.
In my free time, I enjoy bouldering or climbing with friends, preferably in many different climbing halls. The routes you can climb are regularly changed, but in a different hall, you often encounter different techniques. Additionally, I enjoy playing (board) games, and when the weather is nice, I also like to ride my motorcycle. If there is still some time left, I work on hobby projects for my home server.
What I like about this training is that I not only show the participants how to test code in Python, but also let them experience the practice in the lab sessions