JP ten Berge


I’m JP, trainer at the Knowledge Center of Info Support. I started out as a consultant, developing web applications in .NET for the healthcare market. After three years, I decided to try my hand at sharing my knowledge and experience by providing courses. At the time, this seemed like fun for the variation and for the challenge of technical knowledge depth, but ten years in and I still find it highly enjoyable. The mix of technology and social interaction keeps my workdays fun, interesting, varied and challenging.

I try to approach my courses in a way that I myself would like to receive training from someone else. I use almost no slides and try to do as many live demonstrations as possible. Seeing code being written and developed “lives” more than showing slide after slide, in my experience. Hence why terms like “Death by PowerPoint” have come to exist. This didactic style also almost automatically allows for interaction and input from the audience, something I very much like to encourage.

My specialties are web and .NET development. On the side, I also do a bit of Java. Outside of work, I enjoy playing pool (billiards), gaming and playing various card games.

he mix of technology and social interaction keeps my workdays fun, interesting, varied and challenging